Art With Jenny K.


3D Valentine’s Day Gift Box




“Pop Art” Candy/Message Boxes (easy and fun!). No more boring, old-fashioned Valentine’s Day Valentines this year. Instead, add some pizzazz with colorful and fun Pop Art candy/message boxes! Take your kids through the step-by-step process of creating cool, colorful boxes with a Valentine’s Day greeting on the top. Designed by Art with Jenny K., this activity is one of a kind, including everything you need to do this project for this year and for years to come.

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Easy for Teachers & Fun for Kids!


ratings and counting!

Students loved making this cute Valentine’s box. Students talked to each other and shared their completed work. I enjoyed hearing them talk to each other. This helps their social skills. Good conversation was held with this activity.

Lu P Cruz

Students LOVED making these and then we donated to our local nursing home as a kindness project! It was GREAT!

Megan P.

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