Here is the story behind my logo.
This is the picture that the logo for Art with Jenny K. was designed from. This was taken on Christmas Eve 2007 with one of my favorite Aunts in Alamogordo, NM!
My husband and I have always been big fans of “Pop Art” with DREAMS of one day owning something by Andy Warhol (keep dreaming, right?!), and in 2008 my husband was playing with some photographs and turning them into Pop Art images a la Andy Warhol style.
Here is the process the photo went through via my hubby. I’ve always (thought I) wanted pink hair, but I have never been brave enough actually to do it. So my dear husband went ahead and did it for me…virtually, at least! Not so bad, really!
My husband (apparently proud of his own work) had the bottom two printed side-by-side in large format, and my pop-art portrait diptych now hangs in our very “Pop Art”-themed room. My 2-year-old usually points at them and says, “Two mommies!”
…oh, if only my dear!
My TPT logo is a combination of those last two images—pink hair with a blue background—that I thought went well together. After all, I am an art teacher, so we’re proudly a little out of the ordinary! I use this logo not only for my Teachers Pay Teachers store but also for my Art with Jenny K pages on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and anywhere else I can think of!
Funny thing is, in writing this post, I learned something about the story behind my logo. The picture below is the picture I always thought was used for my logo until I started looking through them to find the perfect match. This picture is of me with all of my siblings. I am the oldest of all five. We all look quite different now than we did back in ’07, so they’ll probably kill me for posting this, but…
And while I am sharing pictures of that evening (and this story), the picture below (right) is one of my all-time favorite pictures of me and my husband—the mastermind behind the logo (he didn’t even tell me to write that!).
Little did this man know that the images he made so many years ago (before we were married) would be the logo for our TPT store that we so happily manage together (I’m sure he would NEVER have guessed he’d be “pinning” for me either?!…but we wives have that effect on our hubbies, don’t we?).
So that is my story and the story behind the logo for Art with Jenny K.
Now, let’s hear your story!
Please join me and link up with your story. Use the graphic I have provided below and simply add your logo to the top right corner and use it in your blog post. Then mention you are linking up with Art with Jenny K. in your blog post, and then come link up. I can’t wait to hear all the neat stories behind those creative logos on Teachers Pay Teachers. This link-up does not currently have an “end” date!
What to do:
(closed to new submissions)
1. Write a blog post explaining the story behind your logo on your own blog.
2. Use the template below to add your logo to the top right corner like I have done, and use that graphic in your blog post.
3. Mention somewhere in your blog that you are “Linking Up” to Art with Jenny K. for your blog post.
4. Click on the “inlinkz” button below to link your blog to this one.
5. OPTIONAL: If you would like the InLinkz to show directly on your blog post and make it even easier for others to link to us, then you add this code to your html text. If this code doesn’t work, e-mail me at artwithjennyk(at) some blog types need other sets of code that I can provide to you. Please NOTE: add your code while in html mode, and it probably won’t show the link up until it’s published.
Closed to new submissions.
Thanks for reading!
Jenny K.